use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::iter;
use std::rc::Rc;
use num_bigint::BigInt;
use num_traits::{One, Signed, ToPrimitive, Zero};
use crate::function::{Args, OptionalArg, OptionalOption, PyFuncArgs};
use crate::obj::objbool;
use crate::obj::objint::{self, PyInt, PyIntRef};
use crate::obj::objiter::{call_next, get_all, get_iter, get_next_object, new_stop_iteration};
use crate::obj::objtuple::PyTuple;
use crate::obj::objtype::{self, PyClassRef};
use crate::pyobject::{
IdProtocol, PyCallable, PyClassImpl, PyObjectRef, PyRef, PyResult, PyValue, TypeProtocol,
use crate::vm::VirtualMachine;
#[pyclass(name = "chain")]
struct PyItertoolsChain {
iterables: Vec<PyObjectRef>,
cur: RefCell<(usize, Option<PyObjectRef>)>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsChain {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "chain")
impl PyItertoolsChain {
fn tp_new(cls: PyClassRef, args: PyFuncArgs, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
PyItertoolsChain {
iterables: args.args,
cur: RefCell::new((0, None)),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
let (ref mut cur_idx, ref mut cur_iter) = *self.cur.borrow_mut();
while *cur_idx < self.iterables.len() {
if cur_iter.is_none() {
*cur_iter = Some(get_iter(vm, &self.iterables[*cur_idx])?);
let obj = call_next(vm, cur_iter.as_ref().unwrap());
match obj {
Ok(ok) => return Ok(ok),
Err(err) => {
if objtype::isinstance(&err, &vm.ctx.exceptions.stop_iteration) {
*cur_idx += 1;
*cur_iter = None;
} else {
return Err(err);
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
#[pyclassmethod(name = "from_iterable")]
fn from_iterable(
cls: PyClassRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let it = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
let iterables = get_all(vm, &it)?;
PyItertoolsChain {
cur: RefCell::new((0, None)),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pyclass(name = "compress")]
struct PyItertoolsCompress {
data: PyObjectRef,
selector: PyObjectRef,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsCompress {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "compress")
impl PyItertoolsCompress {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
data: PyObjectRef,
selector: PyObjectRef,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let data_iter = get_iter(vm, &data)?;
let selector_iter = get_iter(vm, &selector)?;
PyItertoolsCompress {
data: data_iter,
selector: selector_iter,
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
loop {
let sel_obj = call_next(vm, &self.selector)?;
let verdict = objbool::boolval(vm, sel_obj.clone())?;
let data_obj = call_next(vm, &;
if verdict {
return Ok(data_obj);
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
struct PyItertoolsCount {
cur: RefCell<BigInt>,
step: BigInt,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsCount {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "count")
impl PyItertoolsCount {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
start: OptionalArg<PyIntRef>,
step: OptionalArg<PyIntRef>,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let start = match start.into_option() {
Some(int) => int.as_bigint().clone(),
None => BigInt::zero(),
let step = match step.into_option() {
Some(int) => int.as_bigint().clone(),
None => BigInt::one(),
PyItertoolsCount {
cur: RefCell::new(start),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self) -> PyResult<PyInt> {
let result = self.cur.borrow().clone();
*self.cur.borrow_mut() += &self.step;
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
struct PyItertoolsCycle {
iter: RefCell<PyObjectRef>,
saved: RefCell<Vec<PyObjectRef>>,
index: Cell<usize>,
first_pass: Cell<bool>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsCycle {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "cycle")
impl PyItertoolsCycle {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let iter = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
PyItertoolsCycle {
iter: RefCell::new(iter.clone()),
saved: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
index: Cell::new(0),
first_pass: Cell::new(false),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
let item = if let Some(item) = get_next_object(vm, &self.iter.borrow())? {
if self.first_pass.get() {
return Ok(item);
} else {
if self.saved.borrow().len() == 0 {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
let last_index = self.index.get();
self.index.set(self.index.get() + 1);
if self.index.get() >= self.saved.borrow().len() {
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
struct PyItertoolsRepeat {
object: PyObjectRef,
times: Option<RefCell<BigInt>>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsRepeat {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "repeat")
impl PyItertoolsRepeat {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
object: PyObjectRef,
times: OptionalArg<PyIntRef>,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let times = match times.into_option() {
Some(int) => Some(RefCell::new(int.as_bigint().clone())),
None => None,
PyItertoolsRepeat {
object: object.clone(),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
if let Some(ref times) = self.times {
if *times.borrow() <= BigInt::zero() {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
*times.borrow_mut() -= 1;
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
#[pymethod(name = "__length_hint__")]
fn length_hint(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyObjectRef {
match self.times {
Some(ref times) => vm.new_int(times.borrow().clone()),
None => vm.new_int(0),
#[pyclass(name = "starmap")]
struct PyItertoolsStarmap {
function: PyObjectRef,
iter: PyObjectRef,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsStarmap {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "starmap")
impl PyItertoolsStarmap {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
function: PyObjectRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let iter = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
PyItertoolsStarmap { function, iter }.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
let obj = call_next(vm, &self.iter)?;
let function = &self.function;
vm.invoke(function, vm.extract_elements(&obj)?)
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
struct PyItertoolsTakewhile {
predicate: PyObjectRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
stop_flag: RefCell<bool>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsTakewhile {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "takewhile")
impl PyItertoolsTakewhile {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
predicate: PyObjectRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let iter = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
PyItertoolsTakewhile {
iterable: iter,
stop_flag: RefCell::new(false),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
if *self.stop_flag.borrow() {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
let obj = call_next(vm, &self.iterable)?;
let predicate = &self.predicate;
let verdict = vm.invoke(predicate, vec![obj.clone()])?;
let verdict = objbool::boolval(vm, verdict)?;
if verdict {
} else {
*self.stop_flag.borrow_mut() = true;
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
struct PyItertoolsDropwhile {
predicate: PyCallable,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
start_flag: Cell<bool>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsDropwhile {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "dropwhile")
impl PyItertoolsDropwhile {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
predicate: PyCallable,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let iter = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
PyItertoolsDropwhile {
iterable: iter,
start_flag: Cell::new(false),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
let predicate = &self.predicate;
let iterable = &self.iterable;
if !self.start_flag.get() {
loop {
let obj = call_next(vm, iterable)?;
let pred = predicate.clone();
let pred_value = vm.invoke(&pred.into_object(), vec![obj.clone()])?;
if !objbool::boolval(vm, pred_value)? {
return Ok(obj);
call_next(vm, iterable)
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
#[pyclass(name = "islice")]
struct PyItertoolsIslice {
iterable: PyObjectRef,
cur: RefCell<usize>,
next: RefCell<usize>,
stop: Option<usize>,
step: usize,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsIslice {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "islice")
fn pyobject_to_opt_usize(obj: PyObjectRef, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> Option<usize> {
let is_int = objtype::isinstance(&obj, &vm.ctx.int_type());
if is_int {
} else {
impl PyItertoolsIslice {
fn tp_new(cls: PyClassRef, args: PyFuncArgs, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let (iter, start, stop, step) = match args.args.len() {
0 | 1 => {
return Err(vm.new_type_error(format!(
"islice expected at least 2 arguments, got {}",
2 => {
let (iter, stop): (PyObjectRef, PyObjectRef) = args.bind(vm)?;
(iter, 0usize, stop, 1usize)
_ => {
let (iter, start, stop, step): (
) = args.bind(vm)?;
let start = if ! {
pyobject_to_opt_usize(start, &vm).ok_or_else(|| {
"Indices for islice() must be None or an integer: 0 <= x <= sys.maxsize.".to_owned(),
} else {
let step = if ! {
pyobject_to_opt_usize(step, &vm).ok_or_else(|| {
"Step for islice() must be a positive integer or None.".to_owned(),
} else {
(iter, start, stop, step)
let stop = if ! {
Some(pyobject_to_opt_usize(stop, &vm).ok_or_else(|| {
"Stop argument for islice() must be None or an integer: 0 <= x <= sys.maxsize."
} else {
let iter = get_iter(vm, &iter)?;
PyItertoolsIslice {
iterable: iter,
cur: RefCell::new(0),
next: RefCell::new(start),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
while *self.cur.borrow() < * {
call_next(vm, &self.iterable)?;
*self.cur.borrow_mut() += 1;
if let Some(stop) = self.stop {
if *self.cur.borrow() >= stop {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
let obj = call_next(vm, &self.iterable)?;
*self.cur.borrow_mut() += 1;
let (next, ovf) = (*;
* = if ovf { self.stop.unwrap() } else { next };
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
struct PyItertoolsFilterFalse {
predicate: PyObjectRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsFilterFalse {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "filterfalse")
impl PyItertoolsFilterFalse {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
predicate: PyObjectRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let iter = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
PyItertoolsFilterFalse {
iterable: iter,
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
let predicate = &self.predicate;
let iterable = &self.iterable;
loop {
let obj = call_next(vm, iterable)?;
let pred_value = if {
} else {
vm.invoke(predicate, vec![obj.clone()])?
if !objbool::boolval(vm, pred_value)? {
return Ok(obj);
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
struct PyItertoolsAccumulate {
iterable: PyObjectRef,
binop: PyObjectRef,
acc_value: RefCell<Option<PyObjectRef>>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsAccumulate {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "accumulate")
impl PyItertoolsAccumulate {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
binop: OptionalArg<PyObjectRef>,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let iter = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
PyItertoolsAccumulate {
iterable: iter,
binop: binop.unwrap_or_else(|| vm.get_none()),
acc_value: RefCell::from(Option::None),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
let iterable = &self.iterable;
let obj = call_next(vm, iterable)?;
let next_acc_value = match &*self.acc_value.borrow() {
None => obj.clone(),
Some(value) => {
if {
vm._add(value.clone(), obj.clone())?
} else {
vm.invoke(&self.binop, vec![value.clone(), obj.clone()])?
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
struct PyItertoolsTeeData {
iterable: PyObjectRef,
values: RefCell<Vec<PyObjectRef>>,
impl PyItertoolsTeeData {
fn new(iterable: PyObjectRef, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult<Rc<PyItertoolsTeeData>> {
Ok(Rc::new(PyItertoolsTeeData {
iterable: get_iter(vm, &iterable)?,
values: RefCell::new(vec![]),
fn get_item(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine, index: usize) -> PyResult {
if self.values.borrow().len() == index {
let result = call_next(vm, &self.iterable)?;
struct PyItertoolsTee {
tee_data: Rc<PyItertoolsTeeData>,
index: Cell<usize>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsTee {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "tee")
impl PyItertoolsTee {
fn from_iter(iterable: PyObjectRef, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
let it = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
if it.class().is(&PyItertoolsTee::class(vm)) {
return vm.call_method(&it, "__copy__", PyFuncArgs::from(vec![]));
Ok(PyItertoolsTee {
tee_data: PyItertoolsTeeData::new(it, vm)?,
index: Cell::from(0),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, PyItertoolsTee::class(vm))?
#[pymethod(name = "__new__")]
fn new(
_cls: PyClassRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
n: OptionalArg<usize>,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<PyTuple>> {
let n = n.unwrap_or(2);
let copyable = if iterable.class().has_attr("__copy__") {
vm.call_method(&iterable, "__copy__", PyFuncArgs::from(vec![]))?
} else {
PyItertoolsTee::from_iter(iterable, vm)?
let mut tee_vec: Vec<PyObjectRef> = Vec::with_capacity(n);
for _ in 0..n {
let no_args = PyFuncArgs::from(vec![]);
tee_vec.push(vm.call_method(©able, "__copy__", no_args)?);
#[pymethod(name = "__copy__")]
fn copy(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
Ok(PyItertoolsTee {
tee_data: Rc::clone(&self.tee_data),
index: self.index.clone(),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, Self::class(vm))?
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
let value = self.tee_data.get_item(vm, self.index.get())?;
self.index.set(self.index.get() + 1);
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
struct PyItertoolsProduct {
pools: Vec<Vec<PyObjectRef>>,
idxs: RefCell<Vec<usize>>,
cur: Cell<usize>,
stop: Cell<bool>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsProduct {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "product")
struct ProductArgs {
#[pyarg(keyword_only, optional = true)]
repeat: OptionalArg<usize>,
impl PyItertoolsProduct {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
iterables: Args<PyObjectRef>,
args: ProductArgs,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let repeat = match args.repeat.into_option() {
Some(i) => i,
None => 1,
let mut pools = Vec::new();
for arg in iterables.into_iter() {
let it = get_iter(vm, &arg)?;
let pool = get_all(vm, &it)?;
let pools = iter::repeat(pools)
let l = pools.len();
PyItertoolsProduct {
idxs: RefCell::new(vec![0; l]),
cur: Cell::new(l - 1),
stop: Cell::new(false),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
if self.stop.get() {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
let pools = &self.pools;
for p in pools {
if p.is_empty() {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
let res = PyTuple::from(
.map(|(pool, idx)| pool[*idx].clone())
if self.is_end() {
fn is_end(&self) -> bool {
(self.idxs.borrow()[self.cur.get()] == &self.pools[self.cur.get()].len() - 1
&& self.cur.get() == 0)
fn update_idxs(&self) {
let lst_idx = &self.pools[self.cur.get()].len() - 1;
if self.idxs.borrow()[self.cur.get()] == lst_idx {
if self.is_end() {
self.idxs.borrow_mut()[self.cur.get()] = 0;
self.cur.set(self.cur.get() - 1);
} else {
self.idxs.borrow_mut()[self.cur.get()] += 1;
self.cur.set(self.idxs.borrow().len() - 1);
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
struct PyItertoolsCombinations {
pool: Vec<PyObjectRef>,
indices: RefCell<Vec<usize>>,
r: Cell<usize>,
exhausted: Cell<bool>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsCombinations {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "combinations")
impl PyItertoolsCombinations {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
r: PyIntRef,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let iter = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
let pool = get_all(vm, &iter)?;
let r = r.as_bigint();
if r.is_negative() {
return Err(vm.new_value_error("r must be non-negative".to_owned()));
let r = r.to_usize().unwrap();
let n = pool.len();
PyItertoolsCombinations {
indices: RefCell::new((0..r).collect()),
r: Cell::new(r),
exhausted: Cell::new(r > n),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
if self.exhausted.get() {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
let n = self.pool.len();
let r = self.r.get();
if r == 0 {
return Ok(vm.ctx.new_tuple(vec![]));
let res = PyTuple::from(
.map(|&i| self.pool[i].clone())
let mut indices = self.indices.borrow_mut();
let mut idx = r as isize - 1;
while idx >= 0 && indices[idx as usize] == idx as usize + n - r {
idx -= 1;
if idx < 0 {
} else {
indices[idx as usize] += 1;
for j in idx as usize + 1..r {
indices[j] = indices[j - 1] + 1;
struct PyItertoolsCombinationsWithReplacement {
pool: Vec<PyObjectRef>,
indices: RefCell<Vec<usize>>,
r: Cell<usize>,
exhausted: Cell<bool>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsCombinationsWithReplacement {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "combinations_with_replacement")
impl PyItertoolsCombinationsWithReplacement {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
r: PyIntRef,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let iter = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
let pool = get_all(vm, &iter)?;
let r = r.as_bigint();
if r.is_negative() {
return Err(vm.new_value_error("r must be non-negative".to_owned()));
let r = r.to_usize().unwrap();
let n = pool.len();
PyItertoolsCombinationsWithReplacement {
indices: RefCell::new(vec![0; r]),
r: Cell::new(r),
exhausted: Cell::new(n == 0 && r > 0),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
if self.exhausted.get() {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
let n = self.pool.len();
let r = self.r.get();
if r == 0 {
return Ok(vm.ctx.new_tuple(vec![]));
let mut indices = self.indices.borrow_mut();
let res = vm
.new_tuple(indices.iter().map(|&i| self.pool[i].clone()).collect());
let mut idx = r as isize - 1;
while idx >= 0 && indices[idx as usize] == n - 1 {
idx -= 1;
if idx < 0 {
} else {
let index = indices[idx as usize] + 1;
for j in idx as usize..r {
indices[j as usize] = index as usize;
struct PyItertoolsPermutations {
pool: Vec<PyObjectRef>,
indices: RefCell<Vec<usize>>,
cycles: RefCell<Vec<usize>>,
result: RefCell<Option<Vec<usize>>>,
r: Cell<usize>,
exhausted: Cell<bool>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsPermutations {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "permutations")
impl PyItertoolsPermutations {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
iterable: PyObjectRef,
r: OptionalOption<PyObjectRef>,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let iter = get_iter(vm, &iterable)?;
let pool = get_all(vm, &iter)?;
let n = pool.len();
let r = match r.flat_option() {
Some(r) => {
let val = r
.ok_or_else(|| vm.new_type_error("Expected int as r".to_owned()))?
if val.is_negative() {
return Err(vm.new_value_error("r must be non-negative".to_owned()));
None => n,
PyItertoolsPermutations {
indices: RefCell::new((0..n).collect()),
cycles: RefCell::new((0..r).map(|i| n - i).collect()),
result: RefCell::new(None),
r: Cell::new(r),
exhausted: Cell::new(r > n),
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
if self.exhausted.get() {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
let n = self.pool.len();
let r = self.r.get();
if n == 0 {
return Ok(vm.ctx.new_tuple(vec![]));
let result = &mut *self.result.borrow_mut();
if let Some(ref mut result) = result {
let mut indices = self.indices.borrow_mut();
let mut cycles = self.cycles.borrow_mut();
let mut sentinel = false;
for i in (0..r).rev() {
cycles[i] -= 1;
if cycles[i] == 0 {
let index = indices[i];
for j in i..n - 1 {
indices[j] = indices[j + i];
indices[n - 1] = index;
cycles[i] = n - i;
} else {
let j = cycles[i];
indices.swap(i, n - j);
for k in i..r {
result[k] = indices[k];
sentinel = true;
if !sentinel {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
} else {
*result = Some((0..r).collect());
.map(|&i| self.pool[i].clone())
struct PyItertoolsZiplongest {
iterators: Vec<PyObjectRef>,
fillvalue: PyObjectRef,
numactive: Cell<usize>,
impl PyValue for PyItertoolsZiplongest {
fn class(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyClassRef {
vm.class("itertools", "zip_longest")
struct ZiplongestArgs {
#[pyarg(keyword_only, optional = true)]
fillvalue: OptionalArg<PyObjectRef>,
impl PyItertoolsZiplongest {
fn tp_new(
cls: PyClassRef,
iterables: Args,
args: ZiplongestArgs,
vm: &VirtualMachine,
) -> PyResult<PyRef<Self>> {
let fillvalue = match args.fillvalue.into_option() {
Some(i) => i,
None => vm.get_none(),
let iterators = iterables
.map(|iterable| get_iter(vm, &iterable))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let numactive = Cell::new(iterators.len());
PyItertoolsZiplongest {
.into_ref_with_type(vm, cls)
#[pymethod(name = "__next__")]
fn next(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyResult {
if self.iterators.is_empty() {
} else {
let mut result: Vec<PyObjectRef> = Vec::new();
let mut numactive = self.numactive.get();
for idx in 0..self.iterators.len() {
let next_obj = match call_next(vm, &self.iterators[idx]) {
Ok(obj) => obj,
Err(err) => {
if !objtype::isinstance(&err, &vm.ctx.exceptions.stop_iteration) {
return Err(err);
numactive -= 1;
if numactive == 0 {
return Err(new_stop_iteration(vm));
#[pymethod(name = "__iter__")]
fn iter(zelf: PyRef<Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
pub fn make_module(vm: &VirtualMachine) -> PyObjectRef {
let ctx = &vm.ctx;
let accumulate = ctx.new_class("accumulate", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsAccumulate::extend_class(ctx, &accumulate);
let chain = PyItertoolsChain::make_class(ctx);
let compress = PyItertoolsCompress::make_class(ctx);
let combinations = ctx.new_class("combinations", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsCombinations::extend_class(ctx, &combinations);
let combinations_with_replacement =
ctx.new_class("combinations_with_replacement", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsCombinationsWithReplacement::extend_class(ctx, &combinations_with_replacement);
let count = ctx.new_class("count", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsCount::extend_class(ctx, &count);
let cycle = ctx.new_class("cycle", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsCycle::extend_class(ctx, &cycle);
let dropwhile = ctx.new_class("dropwhile", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsDropwhile::extend_class(ctx, &dropwhile);
let islice = PyItertoolsIslice::make_class(ctx);
let filterfalse = ctx.new_class("filterfalse", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsFilterFalse::extend_class(ctx, &filterfalse);
let permutations = ctx.new_class("permutations", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsPermutations::extend_class(ctx, &permutations);
let product = ctx.new_class("product", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsProduct::extend_class(ctx, &product);
let repeat = ctx.new_class("repeat", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsRepeat::extend_class(ctx, &repeat);
let starmap = PyItertoolsStarmap::make_class(ctx);
let takewhile = ctx.new_class("takewhile", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsTakewhile::extend_class(ctx, &takewhile);
let tee = ctx.new_class("tee", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsTee::extend_class(ctx, &tee);
let zip_longest = ctx.new_class("zip_longest", ctx.object());
PyItertoolsZiplongest::extend_class(ctx, &zip_longest);
py_module!(vm, "itertools", {
"accumulate" => accumulate,
"chain" => chain,
"compress" => compress,
"combinations" => combinations,
"combinations_with_replacement" => combinations_with_replacement,
"count" => count,
"cycle" => cycle,
"dropwhile" => dropwhile,
"islice" => islice,
"filterfalse" => filterfalse,
"repeat" => repeat,
"starmap" => starmap,
"takewhile" => takewhile,
"tee" => tee,
"permutations" => permutations,
"product" => product,
"zip_longest" => zip_longest,