One of the goals of this project is to learn about writing interpreters. This is a space for contributors to share what they learned and to communicate the details of the RustPython implementation. You can contribute by using a pull request. By taking the time to write things down, we hope that you get an opportunity to reflect and clarify your own thought processes.
Dec 1, 2021Using RustPython with PyCharm and Visual Studio Code on macOS.
For macOS, here is how you can setup RustPython as an interpreter for PyCharm and Visual Studio Code.
Jan 26, 2021pip is working! 🎉 🎉
7380 commits and 1940 pull requests later, pip and are working with RustPython 🎉 🎉. pip can install itself and setuptools!
Apr 4, 2020How to contribute to RustPython using CPython's unit tests
At the very end of 2019, we finally reached one of our short-term goals: CPython
support which makes finding CPython compatibility errors easier than ever. This will probably be the major source of contributions for new contributors this year. Here is a simple guideline. -
Apr 2, 2020Introduction to the RustPython parser
This post goes over the RustPython parser. You can see the source code in the rustpython-parser crate.